Meaningful quote:
When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows in, not the flower.
-Alexander den heijer
I chose this quote because I think it’s very meaningful to this time as we just had the election in the USA. Although it may not be as important in Canada it still effects us in many ways.
Favourite Video:
I chose this video because whenever I started watching Emma’s videos I was in a rough time in life and her videos made me laugh and I was some what happy again.
inspiring photo:
I chose this photo because it’s a picture of my best friend Kyra. She always reminds to see the best in life and not the negative. To keep a smile on my face, and love myself for who am, and all the people and environment around me.
This is an important website not only to me but I think it’s important to the world. I know people who are/have been suicidal, and people who have lost there life due to suicide. It’s a very serious and sad subject, but I think we need to focus more on mental health in school.
5) Self Assessment: