“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat
by just means. Do you stain your hands with evil to
destroy evil, or do you remain steadfastly just and
righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
- Lelouch vi Britannia
I chose this quote because it's one of my favourite lines from Code Geass.
Code Geass is an anime that inspires me heavily, and this quote always seemed to
stick in my mind. This quote is also referred to as "the evil paradox" because
in either case, evil will remain. This line made the conflicting morals and beliefs
between the characters more clear as they both picked different sides. Personally,
I would chose to stain my hands with evil to destroy the greater evil.
I didn’t really know what to put for my favourite video, but eventually I decided to put the trailer to a game called Persona Q2. This was the first time I got to actually play a game from a franchise that I love and follow so much. I remember being so happy finally getting a Persona game coming to a system I own, I was so excited for its release that I pre-ordered it. Since it was on the 3ds I played it everywhere, and I eventually got up to 80+ hours of game time. Even though it was released only 2 years ago, I can’t help but feel a bit of nostalgia when watching the trailer again. A beautifully animated video accompanied with the song A Road Less Taken. It’s not only great to vibe to, but like every other Persona game, it has deeper meaning. In Persona Q2’s case, it’s about individuality. The more I think about it, the more dark the story is. The plot follows a girl who’s dream is to become a movie director, however her dreams become distorted from all of the emotional abuse from the people in her life. Her conscious is what manifested the levels that the player has to go through, each with a moral centered on discarding individuality and becoming one with others. Eventually the player makes it to the level that is focused on her. It reflects her mental state, almost the entire area is of a cheerful cartoonish environment filled with forced smiles. The core of it all shows her true colours and her self-destructive nature. Everything becomes sinister and monochrome, all of the smiles now have a bleeding void where the eyes used to be.
Part of the reason why I love Persona games is because they take on problems that some people have to face. The things that the characters are going through is relatable, and probably something many of us have felt at one point or another, even though it is exaggerated in the game to get the point across.
I’ve written too much. O_O
I chose a picture of my cat because I love him so much. He’s always around me and he either makes me way less stressed or way more stressed. He’s very good to snuggle with but during one of my meetings he screamed the entire time because my door was closed. He screams like a pterodactyl, as my mom describes it. He’s also destroyed a good portion of my room but I’ll never stop loving him.
For my link I chose the Discord Website because I use it everyday. It’s the main way I communicate to my friends. We can create as many servers and group chats as we want, start voice calls, and stuff like that. You can also find servers filled with people that share the same interests as you and connect with them. I guess if you want my Discord it’s Kamakura#3019. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯