1) Meaningful Quote:
“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.”-anonymous
I choose this quote because I think it is very meaningful because if you are doing something sometimes it’s fine to take your time just keep going and don’t quit. Just like my homework, I do it very slowly but I get it done.
2) Favourite Video:
I chose this youtube video because I think it is a very inspiring motivational song made by a great artist.
3) Inspiring Picture:
I choose this picture because to me it means nothing is impossible and if you put all your effort into this you can make it happen but that won’t just come to you you’ll have to put in the work.
4) Create a Hyperlink:
I chose this hyperlink because it is cool math games and I have always loved cool math games it has got me through lots of boredom during school and I have been using it for probably close to a decade.
8) Submit your Blog Link to Microsoft Teams:
Copy the URL link to your published About Me Page and submit it to your Digital Learning teacher through Microsoft Teams. Remember, this current editing page is not your published page, you want to either select the permalink above this text editing area or highlight the URL (https://…) when you are viewing the public page.