Reflection 3~ Textiles Arts and Crafts

Course Name: TAC

Course Teacher: Ms. P


1. List off ALL the functional procedures you used in this class?

Using a search engine ♡

We searched up ideas or inspiration for upcoming projects on Pintrest or google.

Sending a link ♡

I have sent a link of a picture of ideas for my project to my friend so she could see what I was going to do.

Printing a document ♡

We print out templates to trace, and drawings to sketch.

2. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful?

I like using Pintrest because I find it really helpful to find inspiration for my projects.

3. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for?

I want to use a photo collage app because I think collages look really cool and I would like to learn how to make one.