About Me

''I dont read history im to busy writing it'' - Kanye

This video shows the glory and nirvana-like state of china   

( this links to the video ) ^

A collection of Chinese contemporary art falls prey to politics | The Economist

this photo shows how the world should aspire and admire china.

this website shows chinas top-notch affordable engineering and products 

Proficiency Level Description  Reflection Questions for Students: 

1 – Attempting 

Creates a simple message using some digital tools. 


Describe the digital learning goal(s) in this assignment. 




 It’s meant to help you learn how to learn programs and websites quickly and to teach you to learn the blog for future use.




2 – Developing 

Able to Identify digital tools, apps, and procedures used when creating the message. 



Identify the digital tools, apps, and procedures you used to complete this assignment. 




 I used copy-paste the customization tool  and google chrome  




3 – Proficient 

Blends the message and the media digitally, to effectively communicate ideas in a digital medium, while using all the digital tools encouraged for this assignment. 



Did you successfully copy the link to your published page and upload it to MS Teams?  yes I did



4 – Extending 

Prepares and shares a creative, positive, informative and useful online portfolio that is available for discussion, peer review and/or collaboration. 


Fully and thoughtfully completes the self-assessment. 


What part of this assignment are you most proud of? And what would you improve if you did it again? 

 I’m proud of everything equally I would probably do a prettier layout







What overall grade do you feel you have achieved on this assignment? Explain. 


 i deserve a C+ because I did nothing more or less.