Reflection Assignment #1

Course Name: Social Studies

Course Teacher: Mr. Prinster


* Using a search engine

* Accessing a school website

* Uploading and/or downloading

* Saving to a cloud (Office 365)

* Accessing work on multiple devices (ie. at home and at school)

* Sending a link

Embedding video and/or linksinto an application (ex.ppt)

* Printing a document

Scanning a document

* Using a QR code

* Sending/responding to an email

* Collaborating online

* Cutting/pasting text, pics or links

Other: _______________________

2. I found teams fairly useful. My teacher was able to share documents with the class, assignment criteria was easily accessed, and communication has been constantly efficient throughout the semester so far.

3. I would like to use some sort of grading app, such as Fresh Grade. I am aware that other teachers use this app to provide students with up to date marks, which helps them improve or have a solid image of what their overall grade looks like in that course.