WordPress Review

Shape of the Day:

  • Complete Summer in 6 words  and reflection questions – show Mr. Chastkavich
  • Create a folder on One Drive
  • Complete Review Questions about HTML
  • WordPress Review – Can you find your website from grade 9?
  • Create a new Web Development 10 Page

Website of the Day:

http://omgspace.net/ – Travel through space!

1. Complete work from yesterday and show Mr. Chastkavich

  • Summer in 6 and Reflection Questions

2. Create a folder on One Drive

  • Start by accessing One Drive.. see if you remember how to access it
  • Create a folder called Web Dev 10
  • Once you’ve created it from the browser version, try syncing your one drive account to the computer. This may take some time if you have a lot of folders to sync. In that case, you can always pause it, and sync only the folders you need – for now it can simply be the Web Dev 10 folder you created. Put the folder on your desktop!
  • Now if you have to work on a different computer, you should be able to access one drive and you can sync it there as well if you like. Or you can access any files from the browser version.

3. Complete the following Questions for Review of HTML (if any questions are too challenging, you may use Google):

  1. What characters are used in an HTML tag?
  2. What else do you notice about HTML tags?
  3. Why do we have to use HTML tags?
  4. What are meta tags?
  5. What is the head section?
  6. What is the body section?
  7. What is the title tag? Where can you see it?
  8. How do you create a comment? Why are comments used in this project and what do they help you do?
  9. Is CSS used in this project? How do you know?
  10. How does CSS look different than HTML?
  11. Is JavaScript used in this project? How do you know?
  12. If you think JavaScript is being used here, what is it being used for?
  13. Come up with three questions about this code and/or HTML tags.

4. Find your website from Grade 9 on WordPress

  • You can start by clicking the log in button at the top left
  • Do you remember you username and password? Your username is your first name and the first letter of your last name, then the year you started at Terry Fox – mine would be travisc2016

5. Create a new page called Web Development 10

  • Try to remember how to create a new page
  • Call it Web Development 10
  • Add details about yourself by using the following guiding questions (create a list using Notepad or Microsoft Word):
    1. Facts about you, like which elementary and middle school you went to or where you were before Terry Fox, where you grew up, how many languages you speak, activities or hobbies you enjoy, clubs at school you are a part of, describe your family, what kind of animals you like, if you have a job, your favourite food, movies, etc.
    2. Random thoughts, quotes, or famous people that inspire you
    3. Add images using http://unsplash.com/ or http://www.pexels.com/