About Me

“Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress.” – Unknown

I chose this quote because in life, we always care what other people think about us and we try to impress others when we should really just be focusing on ourselves and living our life to the fullest. We should do what makes us happy because otherwise, what are we living for.

I chose this video because The Office is my all time favourite show and this, the cold open of Stress Relief Part 1, is my favourite scene and episode! I love how panicked and flustered everyone is and how confident Dwight it even though it was a fake fire.

This is my grandparents dog, Axel. I chose this picture because he is very meaningful to me and he is getting very old. This picture was taken a few years ago and now he is 13. He still has the mindset of a puppy but the body of an old dog.


I chose amazon because I love it! I love shopping on amazon because of all of the great deals and fast shipping rates. I swear I’m amazons #1 buyer!