Google My Maps with Ms. Dos Santos

My experience working on the “Google my Maps” Project.

Course Name: Social Studies 9

Course Teacher: Ms. Dos Santos

We used safari to get to a Google Maps like website where we could make our own marks on the map. To hand in the project we had to share the project to Ms. Dos Santos which basically entailed sending her a link so she could view the work. We didn’t use QR codes specifically on that day but we do often use them within Ms. Dos Santo’s room to sign up for Flex time. Since I had missed a day of work I logged in from my computer at home to put some more work into On the Google My Maps Project. We used the Google Map Maker website where you could place pins on the map to mark different locations. We had to make several layers, each with some meaning to us. Whether it be places we’ve been or places that have some cool landscapes, they were on different layers. The customizability was crazy. I could change both the icon picture and the icons colour. It was mostly useful with its ability to write entire a paragraph of text that’s attached to the pin. If you wanted, you could even put down a whole gallery of photos along with it. I hope to use a game programming software in the future because I wish to develop games for a living and getting into it now would be fantastic. I would use it to make a series of horror games or something else. I’m still rather undecided.


Still Connor