My Digital Citizenship

1. Describe a bullying situation from one of the resources above. What does the situation
cover? – In the bullying situation in this video there is an eleven year old girl named Rebecca, she got so many hurtful comments/ messages that she killed herself because she couldn’t handle it.

2. What strategies does the resource show to deal with these types of situations? – This resource talks about how kids do not think before they post a hurtful comment. A 14 year old girl did this experiment were before kids posted a hurtful comment, a little thing popped up saying ” This comment may be hurtful, are you sure you want to post” more than half rethought what they were about to do and didn’t post it. This shows that kids do not think before they act.

3.In your own words, what do you think it means to be a Digital Leader? – I think being a digital leader means that you are being responsible and showing people the right way to use social media. Being a digital leader may look like commenting on someones post and giving them a complement and being nice online.