Reflection 2 Due January 10th Erica Gunning Science

Course Name: Science

Course Teacher:Ms. Bovay

Using a search engine- I had to search up on google a lot of information for this project about mitosis

Accessing a school website- N/A

Uploading and/or downloading- I had to download many pictures onto my computer so that i could transfer the photos to my power point

Sending a link- When I was finished i had to send a link of my project to my teacher through teams

Embedding video and/or links into an application (ex.ppt)- N/A

Scanning a document- N/A

Printing a document-N/A

Using a QR code- N/A

Saving to a cloud (Office 365)- When i worked on my project i turned on the setting save automatically so I never had to worry about loosing my project

Accessing work on multiple devices (ie. at home and at school)- I have one computer that i use at school and home but I know how to access my work from any computer

Sending/responding to an emailCollaborating online-N/A

Cutting/pasting text, pics or links-  I put a lot of pictures in my power point and some times in stead of saving it to my device i would copy and past them

Other: I used an editing app called paint on my computer to edit these small photos of cells to show the way that cell division (Mitosis) works. I also added my own music in the background and made the power point into a 5 minute long video? movie.

2. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful? The resource that was most helpful for me was paint, i could edit my photos on it and it was very simple and easy to use.

3. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for? I would love to use different editing apps and find the perfect one for me, my computer is not touch screen which also makes it harder to edit.