Character In Action

Character in Action

The pillar I chose was Leadership. In the digital world, this means setting a good example for others through being a good citizen. This can look like being civil in discussions online, educating others on problems around the world, and making sure everyone’s voice is heard.

U.S Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez showcases digital leadership, using platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Twitch to educate to bring awareness around current issues.

Using her especially large popularity with young people, she garnered around 400,000 live viewers on Twitch, raising over $200,000 in November of last year to raise money for those without food or money during this pandemic. On her Twitter and Instagram, she used her privilege as a someone who had received the vaccine to educate others on how it was affecting her for those who still had worries regarding the shot. In addition, she uses her social media platforms to bring awareness to problems centered in America, calling for more action to be done about climate change, racism, and the pandemic.

Leadership is important in creating a positive online reputation because setting an example by being a good digital citizen encourages others to do the same. For example, AOC uses her large platform to inform and educate others on issues and motivating them to help her make a difference in the non-digital world. Without digital leaders like AOC setting a good example, the digital world would become much more chaotic and anarchic.