About Me

“We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to ‘speak yourself ‘.”

By Kim Nam Joon


This quote is part of a speech that was delivered by Kim Nam Joon at the UN. He has been my idol and inspiration for the past 3 years and he has helped me grow up to be the person I am today. I chose this quote because it is meaningful to me. I’ve learned to love myself as much as I love others, and I’m encouraging other people, such as my friends, to do the same. Not too long ago, I have had trouble speaking for myself. Voicing out my opinions and what I believe in. Listening to Kim Nam Joon’s UN speech placed me back up to where I felt my highest. I had no dreams, no targets, no passion. Now things are different. I see things differently and I have become a better version of myself. I’m happier.


Your Lie in April OST

This video is one of my favorite YouTube clip. I chose this because listening to it makes me feel calm and relaxed. I can work while this video is playing without feeling disturbed and annoyed.

Kill This Love Dance Performance 2019

This video was filmed on Philippines Independence Day. Me and My friend Angel performed Kill This Love in front of a crowd. This is one of the amazing things I’ve done.


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I like this photo because this photo was inspired by the book called “The One Who Walk Away from Omelas“. Omelas is a happy, Utopian society with a problem: it’s happiness is predicted on the misery of a child who lives in a cage under the city. From his suffering, they understand how important happiness is and how cruel justice can be. I find the story interesting and I hope I could read the book someday.

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I dislike this photo because it’s unsatisfying.



YouTube is my favorite website to go to. This website means a lot to me because I’ve learned so many things just from watching videos on YouTube. I watch dance videos and I listen to music a lot in my free time. I learned how to dance, sing, make music, make origami, etc.