Purpose: To reflect on your use of digital tools and resources in the classroom.


Introduction: Each reflection should be original and examine different tools, resources and/or apps that have used or hope to use. You will repeat this reflection four times, twice per semester. Choose from the following: Math, Science, English, Social Studies, P.E. or Classroom Electives.



Course Name:  Math                                                                          Your Name:   Justin Hewko 


Course Teacher: O’Brien


  1. Check off ALL the functional procedures you used in this class?


x Using a Search Engine                                         x Printing a document

x Accessing a school website                                  Scanning a document

x Uploading and/or downloading                           Using a QR code

x Saving to a cloud (OFFICE 365)                           x Sending/Responding to an email

x Accessing work on multiple devices                    Collaborating online

(Ie. At home and at school)

x Sending a link                                                       Cutting/Pasting text, pics or links

Embedding video and/or links into

An application (ex. Ppt)



  1. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful?


The use of a computer was my big resource – because I can use it for research and Look up how to spell words and use speech to text



  1. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for?


I think I could use an ipad because it much more mobile and I can carry it around with me. I can also add apps on there that I can’t use on the pc laptop.










Here’s the rubric representing your mark on Microsoft Teams:


Curricular Competencies 1 2 3 4
Critical and Creative

Research and Information


Attempts to reflect on the use of digital tools and resources Reflects and uses some digital tools and resources Identifies and reflects on the use of a variety of digital tools resources

Uses appropriate digital tools and resources to accomplish the assigned tasks

Able to justify and reflect on the selection and use of digital tools based on their efficiency and effectiveness

The criteria components include completing three reflection questions on their personal blog. Each component allows students to demonstrate different digital tools and skills as described in the instructions for the Reflection Assignment