The four pillars assignment

The definition of kindness is being friendly, generous, and considerate to others around you and yourself. I would say that many people demonstrate this around the school and community which makes it a better place. Sometimes it’s hard to be kind but it makes like easier when your nice instead of mean. This word has a big role in my family since we all try to treat each other respectfully.


Kindness also shows more in certain people then others. For example, my coaches of ringette show/demonstrate this all the time. The treat our whole team never kindly and encourage us to be better people. This example shows that kindness can be anywhere even in sports. I have also had a coach that wasn’t the kindest too so I can tell the difference in between them.


In my opinion everyone has kindness in them it’s just hard for others to show it on the outside. In my symbol I have a quote that says, “kindness is the mark we leave on the world”. This is 100% true because when someone is kind others notice and hopefully want to be like them too.

Digital Learning Curricular Competency: Digital Citizenship: Character in Action

Proficiency Level Description Reflection Questions for Students:

1 – Attempting


Demonstrates an understanding of a digital pillar.


What pillar did you choose?

I chose the kindness pillar since kindness is really important around the world. We all need kindness or the world would be very depressing and sad





2 – Developing


Able to connect the digital pillar to achieving a healthy and positive digital environment.


How did you represent the pillar in your logo/symbol?

I did a kindness quote and  wrote kindness in big letters. I also did hearts around the edge since it reminds me of kindness


3 – Proficient


Expresses personal views and perspectives as a positive digital citizen.

Aware of how a positive online reputation can be an asset that should be developed and managed effectively to support aspirations.


Why is it important to consider your pillar while interacting online?

It is important because we only to treat others with kindness especially on the Internet. Some people get mistreated on the Internet and it’s not fair because no one can really stop them more people are kind it would make others happier

4 – Extending


Assignment is proficient and is effectively and creatively displayed on student website.


**Self Reflection is complete

Did you complete all aspects of this assignment and properly embed the document on your website?


I completed all that aspect school project what is the people to put it on my blog but I am still working on it





What overall grade (out of 4) do you feel you have achieved on this assignment? Explain.

I will give myself A 2 out of four because I feel Like I completed Everything I needed to do so that I could hand it in but isn’t on my