1. Describe a bullying situation from ONE of the resources above. What does the situation cover?


The situation covers cyberbully – Silent pandemic happening around the world. Why don’t’ people think before they post messages.


The girl present asks the question – why don’t help the bully with their underlying issues.



  1. What strategies does the resource show to deal with these types of situations?


In theory If someone was being a victim of a text messaging bully thread – you could block them and report it to a safe person.


Created two software systems (Rethink)  – to help young people think about sending a text before they send it. With some pretty good stats to reduce rethink before you post


We need to slow down and pause and think before you hit send.



  1. In your own words, what do you think it means to be a Digital Leader?


Influencers can obviously have in influence on others who follow them through social channels. They can spread words or message of positive nature. Their information is accurate, up to date, truthful. They might also be up to speed with the latest trends, the latest apps they are innovative. Overall they will be sending a positive message to all age groups.