Your “About Me” page is all about you.  As you get more comfortable with it, it is an opportunity to express who you are, and share the things you like to do. But more so, this is where you can share your growth and experiences at Terry Fox Secondary.

About Me Page

You are going to work through the different steps on your About Me page, and become more comfortable working with your blog and learning some important skills.

Step 1: 
To begin editing your About Me page, click “Edit” button located at the top of the screen.

Step 2:
Familiarize yourself with all of the features on your page, when you are done editing your page, simply press “Update” on the far right side of the page. You have the ability to add pictures and videos, change fonts, hyperlink etc.

Step 3:
Create a heading on your About Me page for each of the tasks below. Try each task at your own pace and build your page.


About Me Page – Tasks

1) Add a Quote:
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.-Wayne Gretzky


2)Add a video

3) Add a picture

Image result for mistakes are just happy accidentsI chose this picture because it is inspiring to me

4) Add a Hyperlink Click Here