About Me

Meaningful Quote

“You have to let people go. Everyone who is in your life are meant to be in your journey but not all of them are meant to stay till the end.” (Doesn’t have any information about the person who said it)

» One of the most important thing in the world is meeting with new people. You will have people in your life, but sometimes things doesn’t work the way it suppose to be, so you have to end it someway.

→ Important Video

» This video is really important and it will only take 2 – 3 minutes for you to watch. The reason why I decided to put this video is  because, there are still people thinking all Muslims are terrorists which is very wrong. As a Muslim, I got called many names like “School bomber!”, “Do you have a bomb inside of that bag?”, “I don’t want terrorists in my country!” and many other disturbing names which probably no one would never want to hear. We should educate ourselves, and stop this wrong hate to Muslim people.

→ Inspiring Picture

» I took this photo long time ago but this photo was taken when me and my friends went to Winter Camp in Chilliwack. We had a lot fun, made a lot of new memories and spend time with each other since we can’t meet anymore because of the virus and they live far away from us.

→ Things you should be aware of! 

» Please make sure to donate, sign petitions and share if you can for: BLM (Black Lives Matter) Movement, Free to Muslims in Chinese Concentration Camps, Help people in Yemen, Help to Lebanon, Beirut Explosion. Because these things are happening in the world right now and they need our help, let’s fight together. ♥

↓ Self Assessment Document

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