Digital Learning Curricular Competency: Personal and Social Responsibility

Digital Citizenship: Character in Action

Proficiency Level Description Reflection Questions for Students:

1 – Attempting


Demonstrates an understanding of a digital pillar.


What pillar did you choose?






2 – Developing


Able to connect the digital pillar to achieving a healthy and positive digital environment.


How did you represent the pillar in your logo/symbol?


For me I chose my favourite flower to draw a sunflower because lots of people give flowers to show kindness and it just like the little things that matter J

3 – Proficient


Expresses personal views and perspectives as a positive digital citizen.

Aware of how a positive online reputation can be an asset that should be developed and managed effectively to support aspirations.


Why is it important to consider your pillar while interacting online?

Because the world can be a terrible place and sharing one kind word to someone can change their whole entire day.

4 – Extending


Assignment is proficient and is effectively and creatively displayed on student website.


**Self Reflection is complete

Did you complete all aspects of this assignment and properly embed the document on your website?




Yes I have.



What overall grade (out of 4) do you feel you have achieved on this assignment? Explain.


4 because I completed everything to the best of my abilities.