1) Meaningful Quote:
being apart of something special doesn't make you special something is special because you are apart of it - unknown I chose this quote because it reminds me that I do matter and that I don't need something to make me feel special I already am special.
2) Favourite Video:
Why I chose it:
I chose this video because it inspires me to get better at riding and it is a very inspirational video. This video is about something that I love and want to do forever. I also really like the song that they put to the videos because it was very motivational.
Why I chose this picture: I chose this picture because it represents a really fun time with all the girls from my soccer team. We had team photos done. It is a great memory I have with my soccer team and all my really great friends.
4) My Favourite Website:
Why I Like This Website:
I like this website because it provides me with the materials I need to pursue my passion of equestrian english riding.
5) My Self Assessment:
Post By: Riley Morris