My First Reflection: Science

Course Teacher: Ms. Lawson

1. What functional procedures did you use in this class?

In Science, we made a portfolio on the Blakeburn Lagoon. We had search for information on the animals and the environment around the lagoons. To do this, I used Google as my search engine to find most of the information that I needed.

I accessed Office 365 through the Terry Fox website which is where I do most of my formal writing for Science. I save all my work to the cloud in a Science folder that I can access from any device, whether I am at home or at school. I have used my own personal device as well as school laptops. I have no problem with saving and accessing my work from any device.

My Science teacher uses FreshGrade to mark our major projects, test, and the structure of the week. I upload documents or pictures to the site and I receive marks back.


2. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful?

I find FreshGrade useful as I can see my marks right away and I know where my marks are for almost everything. Also, it is an easy way to get a hold of my teacher if I ever have questions. My parents are also on the site, so they can see my progress in the class and stay up to date on everything.

3. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for?

I would like to use PowerPoint more often for larger assignments so I can hand it in altogether.