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Favourite Quote:

We are all in the same game

Just different levels

Dealing with the same hell

Just different devils ~~ Anonymous

This quote is really special  because it relates to me and everybody. It’s pretty deep and It means that we are in the same world but have different types of lifestyles. We have the same kinds of problems, but have different kinds of ways to get over it. Or it can be the game of self-harm.


I chose this video because I really like how he looks exactly like Michael Jackson and I recommend this anime “Kimetsu No Yaiba” also.

Image result for violet evergarden umbrella

  First of all, this picture is from an anime “Violet Evergarden”. This picture is meaningful to me because Violet was trying to fulfill a wish of a man’s daughter which is to jump on the water with an umbrella. She almost made it happen without getting wet but after this picture scene, she fell in the water. It was so magestic and amazing that she did it even if she knew that it’s not going to be perfect. This explains that anybody can try even if it’s not as you wanted it to be. 


The Digital Poet is a good website about slam poetry and spoken poetry. They create really good poetry and interesting. This is meaningful to me because when I read some of the slam poems, it kind of relates to me and how it’s so emotional. You can also get inspiration from here when you want to do a slam poetry or spoken poetry.