My About Me Page


“We go to the schools and they leach the dreams from where our ancestors hid them, in the honeycombs of slushy marrow buried in our bones. And us? Well, we join our ancestors, hoping we left enough dreams behind for the next generation to stumble across.”  -Cherie Dimaline

I chose this quote because it’s meaningful towards me because the person who said this quote has gone through a residential school and some of my family members have gone through one in the past



i chose this video because it is important Canadian history and is important in my family

3) Add a Picture:

I chose this image because it is a picture of Ravens which is the mischief maker and the bear is the Calm and Sweet animal

4) I chose the site because it is my families home island and is where i would go every summer with my mom and brother to see/participate in June Sports (Soccer fun games for kids)