My Digital Citizenship


1. Describe bullying from one of the above resources. What does the situation cover?

1. Reject, ignore and whisper behind others.
2. When you post or post information about a specific person, they are not mentioned by name or label.
3. Sometimes a child creates a fake account in the name of someone else and uses that account to incite trouble or hurt the person.
4. Unauthorized distribution of photos of others or cruel subtitles can be embarrassing and humiliating.
5. Social media usually spread rumors quickly.
6.Inadvertently posted some photos that may have been misunderstood by the excluder.
7. Bullying and language insults in online multiplayer games.
8. Use hate speech to hurt others from characteristics such as race, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or belief system.

2. Resources show strategies for dealing with these types of situations?

1. Help others learn the meaning of goodwill and compliance.
2. When bullying happens, try to end the friendship and find a more suitable friendship.
3. If it is posted by your friend, you can solve the problem face to face. If it’s someone you don’t know or conflict with, it’s best to ignore it.
4. Actively defend yourself by blocking and reporting.
5. Make a habit of asking others’ network for permission to share photos or something.
6. Depending on the type of rumor, you can choose to tell the school or reply only once and ignore the comments.
7. Touch the original poster face to face with “I” and explain that the photo will hurt your feelings.
8. Make sure you know how to report and stop intentional cruelty, and don’t argue in chats.
9. Respond immediately to rejections, or seek online community administrators and parents.

3. In your own words, what does it mean to be a digital leader?

I have learned a lot of bullies that I did n’t know before. They have helped me a lot. I will pay more attention to these things in my life, try not to embarrass others, and treat others with the utmost friendliness.