Drafting 10
Below is the link for my instructable in the category of MAKE IT SMALL:
above is my 3D printed bath bomb mold. I made the design so it would have two caps with ledges to ensure the mold kept its shape I then created the main body in two piece so after the bath bombs settled I could take the mold off it in a efficient way making sure not to break the bath bomb
above are pictures of me and Emma.W’s gravity car which is deaigned after beetlejuice. The front wheels where 3D printed as well as the axel holding them in place. The back wheels are leftover supplies that were held together with a cardboard axel. The body of the car was laser cut and assembled by hand. The whole piece was painted then the smaller designs like the text and drawings where done by hand on top of the paint using markers sharpies and paint markers.
this is a to scale model of one possible design my groups boat will be during the boat races. I used a sheet metal feature to make the layout of the boat and print it in one go. I cut out the outline using the laser box then to create the fold the laser box engraved fold lines. From there I measured and calculated the scale factor based off the measurement the real size boat would be.
this is a bonus assignment me and Emma.W completed. Through a video tutorial we made the design using tinkercad then continued with downsizing it and using the 3D printed to make it.