At the start of the year we kicked of our technical learning in Drafting with the Cricut machines. First we learned how to use Cricut’s design space to make cool designs. We made our first design with our names. Later on our next project was to create a logo for our cohort “Thunderbirds”. We had to create a unique design that we liked and stick it on to our folder. Finally, we printed out our Science safety logo that we had made. I recreated my logo and printed it and stuck it to my binder. This was quite the fun experience as I have never used machines like these so being able to make such cool and unique stickers just makes me really excited and wanting to make more!
Below are pictures of some of the stickers I made.
After we were done with Cricut we moved onto a new unit. We started our 3D printing unit and used TinkerCAD for all of our 3D model designs. We first played around with some shapes to get familiar with the design space and then we were given our first assignment. We were tasked to make a balloon powered car using TinkerCAD’s tutorials. I made my car which was an exciting process but, it sadly didn’t move at all. Then we were supposed to pair up and redesign or modify the already existing car. I decided to pair up with my friend Zach and together we made a good model that traveled pretty far. Our second assignment was making a design for a wind turbine. It was part of our wind and energy unit. We learned about how wind turbines generate electricity and how Canada takes advantage of wind to generate electricity. We later printed our fan blades out and attached them to a machine that throws wind at the blade at high speeds.
Here are some pictures below of my assignments.
Pitch Presentation
As of right now us students in the STEAM program are now beginning to find and make our “Passion Projects”. To help us explore the possibilities for a passion project, our drafting teacher made us do a presentation where we research other passion projects. The assignment is simple, you are given a theme (my theme was robotics and biology) and you research 3 projects that matches a virtue (Science, Engineering, Leadership) and your theme. This assignment helps us understand what we can make and gives us inspirations for our passion project.
(Below is a gif of my powerpoint)