About Me

1) Meaningful Quote:

“time you enjoy wasting was not wasted” – john lennon

i like this quote because sometimes i think i couldve done more when i went out or that i wasted my weekend with the days i have in 1 weekend but aslong as i had fun and didnt just lay in bed all day then it wasn’t wasted.

2) Embedded Video:

cats are great and so are cat videos so why wouldn’t i chose this.

3) Inspiring Picture:

U should do something good for someone when u see that they need it and whenever u get the chance, like how in the photo theres a woman giving a homeless man something, even doing something little can make a big difference in someones day/life.

4) Create a Hyperlink:


i scooter with my friends a lot and the lair is the local scooter shop. I chose it because outside of school all i do is pretty much just scooter with friends. Its where i get most of my parts from and it has an indoor skatepark which kinda sucks but riding outside is better anyways

5) Self Assessment:

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