Mathematics 9
Mathematics 9
- Tomato picking and cooking.
- Interpreting graphs
- My topic is Which counties have to most billionaires in 2024. The reason I chose this topic is because it seemed interesting to me. 1a. Charted: Which Country Has the Most Billionaires in 2024? (
- The type of visual that was used to get the data across was a proportional graph that has everything colored by the continent it is in.
- The visualizations tells us how many billionaires are in each country. It also separates the countries that are in different areas of the world.
- The type of information given in the visualization is how many billionaires are in the top 20 counties with the most billionaires.
- The visualizations did not catch my eye because it used colors that don’t pop. they used colors that sink in to the bac round more than they pop out.
- Yes I do because it is easy to tell how many billionaires are in each countries.
- The most outstanding part of the visualization is that China has lost 155 of there billionaires year over year but the US gained 109 year over year. The gap between the two countries is just 14 billionaires.
- People would be able to use this information/data in a project or assignment that asks what country has the most billionaires.
- Bean Project
- Exel Graph