this is Jedi a cat and my personal favourite at a cat cafe right now
this vid is a mv for one of my fave groups new jeans
- Quote: “Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions”, Mark Twain I like to think this effects me. In a way that I can relate from my own personal experience. because Ive not had the best experience with friend groups. I believe I will one day be able to determine how to attract positive energy.
About me: I started my own studio at home SKULLKAT studios where I post artwork. I think it is a good outlet for me to get into because it focuses all my stress away from school and into the tip of my pencil. Art is kinda like cooking in way if you squint at it. It requires a little skill and the right balance of things, “Ingredients” to make. As you can tell I love to cook anything really its calming for me. To just stand by the stove and wipe up your own dinner. That my family can enjoy too.
I have a little brother who goes to Kway currently and I love him dearly and I love all of my immediate family. Mom, dad, and dogs. but I sometimes never see them because I’m in my room. and I don’t feel bad but I sometimes think that taking time for my self is not the best thing but. I always say apologize and move on. and to help me I have an inspiring photo to help though the tough times.
What is STEAM to me/why did I join: Steam to me is about proving that I can be as smart as my family cuts out to be. I do this by my own free will with my family influence. I have a very bright family, and I believe that I should meet the expectations set by my mom’s side and to prove to my dad’s side that I can alway be strong no matter the expectations and or troubles. Personally I have always enjoyed STEAM for my own reasons. I love chemistry and the elements, I’ve always been in love with the stars and the sky. It always baffled me at how deep the ocean can be and the history it holds when you explore far enough. And anything to do with robotics sign me up, I wanna do that.
What inspires me: I mostly inspire myself to achieve things that would otherwise me imperative to me. For art I look on instagram for idea or I look to my friends for help on work. For writing and drafting it simply comes to mind on idea or concepts. I don’t have to think much
What is important to me: My family is always going to be there to support me when I feel low and thus they are a huge aspect upon my life as a whole. I love and cherish the friendships I have and know that I chose to become friends with them and they actually are supportive and kind to me and really enjoy that. I like the way in which I use colour in a project, I love the way I use different ways of thinking to tackle a project or a problem. I love anything I put my mind to.