film review- plastic oceans
message of the film: In plastic oceans it expresses concern for all arias of plastic including biodegradable to burning it. they bring to the public’s attention how damaging regular plastics are to the environment. and that a majority of the waste goes to the ocean. and if we don’t find solutions it could have irreparable damage to our home and waters.
summary: The film discusses first how plastic is made to begin with then shows a better biodegradable PLA plastic, that gets distributed better. it also touches base on how non-PLA plastic disrupts ocean environments and our own water sources. watching further it expands the range of different kinds of bio plastic and waste control, better ways of burning plastic.
biases: it’s hard to say but they never look at the third world countries that can’t afford biodegradable PLA or can even except imports from the countries that make PLA. apart from that. they show many workers and companies that make PLA and help make our world greener.
reflection: my family are pretty good at being conservative on plastic whatever plastic they have they recycle, and we always make use of our green waste like coffee grounds to help our gardens grow. we also have a green can. and this film reiterates my beliefs on how we should be handling our waste products.
I found that microplastics are everywhere! and I knew they existed, but I didn’t know they were such a widespread problem so much so that they found them in plants fish and animals that eat fish and other creatures.
as part of our unit, we made plastic from casine a protein found in milk that when you curdle it then it turns into curds to make milk plastic.