drafting 9

This is my steam tower, I don’t know why its sideways, but I worked hard on all the little garden pot walls. i added pipe cleaner hoses and little paper flowers.

These are my stickers. you cant see them because I didn’t stick them onto anything.

they where fun to design in auto desk, but the software is a little finicky.


This is my 3D dice, its a little damaged. I had fun making it, but it may or may not be missing.



these are my perspective drawings. I didn’t really get the three point perspective so its not as good.

This is the 3D biome project I did with Alayna and Sophia.

this is one of the boats I made with Sophia.

This is a close up of my 2 perspective drawing.


My passion project is mostly a research project and going fairly well.



This portion of the page war written May 13th 2024

no one took photos except the teachers and I’m not to sure where to find them.

The prosses to build the boat was fairly simple. we cut cardboard and added tape to make it boat-shaped & waterproofed on the bottom. we had to flip it upside down to put tape on the bottom. when stood upright our boat looked a bit like a coffin. to improve the boat design I guess we could try to make it more stable. Our paddler was fairly light which really helped in the float part of the race. The main factor that attributed to our failure was that we got disqualified. The grade 10’s where convinced we would be allowed to push the boat but we never asked anyone to confirm.