This is my Nature Journaling Assignment, which I did after my trip to Belcarra. My trip to Belcarra was quite fun, when we first came to Belcarra we unloaded from the bus and met all up under the sheltered area. Once we all met up we were split into 2 groups one group went crabbing, and one went looking at plants and things in that manor, i was in the group that went crabbing, and we came to the dock and went over the rules, so we are all safe. Then we threw the crab traps in and waited for a little. Once the time was up we pulled up the crab traps and looked at all the crabs, there were lots of crabs, some big, some small. Unfortunately, we had to release all the crabs because they were too small. Then the 2 groups switched and the other group went crabbing and we looked at the plants in the forest and studied them. We looked at its indigenous uses and the westerner’s uses for the plant. We learned all about that. Overall, the trip to Belcarra was very fun and I would most definitely visit it again. I aimed to capture what kind of crabs I saw on my trip to Belcarra, I looked at there color patterns and tried to show it on my drawing.