Belcerra Field Trip Journaling

This was definitely my favorite field trip so far in grade 9. It was fun and exciting, creating new learning experiences and memories that will stay with me this year. When we returned from Belcerra we had to complete an assignment for the subject English: journaling about what we had done at Belacerra. This is what I had done for my assignment and what it looked like.

I had written about what we had done at Belcerra and what we had seen and learned. I wrote about the crabs we had caught and seen. we had learned about the crabs that if it’s a female we have to put them back so they can keep reproducing and create more crabs. If it was a male crab then we can take it home only if it was a certain size. It had to be big enough to take home. Sadly none of the male crabs were big enough and we had to put them back into the water.

This is a picture of when we caught the crabs in the trap.

you can tell the difference between the genders by looking at the bottom of the crab. If it has a honeycomb shape then it is a female and if it has a rocket ship shape then it is a male.


At Belcerra we saw many seagulls there and what

was funny when the teacher was giving instructions to the group of seagulls

kept screaming and quacking and wouldn’t let us listen.

We also saw many starfishes with different color varieties. this was one of the starfishes we had seen and it was the colour purple.



This was the journaling assignment that I had to do about Belcerra and in Conclusion, I talked about what we had seen at Belcerra and the information I wrote about it.