Hello my name is Carson I am a grade 9 student on the steam program at Terry Fox Seconday School. I am into railway and local history. I like railway history the most because I find it the most interesting.
Here at Terry Fox we have a Character in Action program focusing on 4 pillars: Perseverance, Kindness, Integrity and Leadership. Perseverance being persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Kindness being the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Integrity being the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness and Leadership being the action of leading a group of people or an organization. I feel that the pilar that represents me is the pilar of kindness which I am almost always pretty kind.

Even though this isnt a person I feel that this represents a picture of kindness my dog Noah is very kind and will go to the door to greet you and say hello.
Kindness: The World We Make | Ripple Effect | Pay It Forward | Kindness Video (youtube.com)
I feel that this video represents kindness. In the video an idea for messages ends up turning into one of the students helping someone years later.
The pilars we have all mean something and I can demonstrate them during the day for example I hold the door open for people daily I often persevere in my work and I can lead a group in a group project with success and finaly I can be trustworthy with assignments and other non school related things.
These Stunning Canadian Bridges Will Take Your Breath Away (msn.com)