Internet and Computer Security/Safety

Shape of the Day:

  • Learning about internet and computer security
  • Complete any work you are behind on.

Website of the Day: – The ultimate finger workout


  1. What does it mean to be hacked?
  2. Why is security an important topic for you personally?
  3. If someone asked you about internet and computer security, what would you tell them?
  4. How can a computer get a virus? How are sites hacked? How is data stolen?
  5. Has hacking, spam, or malware ever affected you? How?
  6. Describe the difference between spammalware, and viruses.
  7. Two factor authentication is a security and internet protocol, what is it exactly?
  8. Updates are very important for browsers and software for our apps on our phone, why is that?
  9. Would it be a beneficial to have an anti-virus on your phone or tablet?
  10.  How can you tell if a website or something you want to download is legitimate or authentic?
  11.  Is it risky to use the same password for multiple accounts? What makes a good password anyway?
  12.  Describe a brute force attack.
  13.  What kinds of negative effects occur when you get hacked or your device obtains malware?
  14.  What are some solutions if any of your devices ends up infected with a virus or malware?
  15.  How do web hosts ensure their websites are protected from malware infections?

 Can You Outsmart a Hacker?

Describe the risks taken with the following scenarios:

  1. You’re logged into your personal e-mail in the school library and don’t log out when you leave
  2. Your password for your e-mail is password123
  3. You leave your phone behind on the bus by accident and haven’t yet set a password or combination lock
  4. You go to the App Store and download a new cool game
  5. You’re bored in web development class and search for free online games. You go to any random site that seems fun and download a game because it says its the only way to play it
  6. You receive an email from an address you’ve never heard of before and decide to download the file attached to it
  7. A pop-up appears while you’re playing a game. It says you’re a winner of a brand new car so you click on it

 Security Resources

 To-do List

  • What can you do to protect yourself?
    • Your passwords
    • Your online accounts
    • Your phone/computer
    • Downloading things and playing online games

Take home thoughts

  • What was one important value you learned today that you did not think about before? Add this to the bottom of your answers of the questions.