Internet Browsers

Shape of the Day:

  • Finish any work from yesterday on Internet and Computer Security
  • Begin Web Browser lesson

Website of the Day:

The most important questions in the world: – And –

1. Learning about Internet Browsers

  • Introduction – Quickly read this page about Web Browsers 
  • Check out this informative site –
  • Answer the following questions:
    1. Identify the most popular browsers. Which one is the most popular? How do you know?
    2. For your devices, which browser(s) do you use? Why do you use them?
    3. Why is it important to know how websites will look in different browsers?
    4. What is a browser cache? How can it be cleared? Why would you want it cleared?
  • Checkout what a browser looked like when Mr. Chastkavich was in elementary and high school!
  • What’s the big deal with Internet Explorer anyways? Look up why it isn’t as common to use anymore. What is it’s status?
  • Have you heard of any of these browsers?
  • Since technology is always changing and updating, developers like to know which browsers can support the latest innovations using HTML CSS and Javascript. helps them check this.
  • We will be making use of the developer tools in the browser Chrome – we can check out website code, find errors, preview changes and a lot more.
  • Chrome’s Browser Developer Tools
    • Here’s the documentation on Chrome’s Developer Tools – Remember when we played with this before?
    • Scroll down and see what each tab can be used for (Device mode, Elements, Console, Sources, etc.)
    • Is there anything you recognize or are familiar with now that it has been explained to you?
  • Finding images online
    • Avoid downloading, using, helping yourself to whatever you find on Google (illegal, unethical, wrong)
    • Try to use things freely available under Creative Commons licensing .Borrow from websites where people give explicit permission for the ability to use their image.
    • You already know about and but here’s another website for you to check –
    • These must be the only sites you use when trying to find images online, unless I approve of them. This goes for all future projects. If you build good habits on finding legal things now, then it won’t be a problem in the future.
    • Even if you are only testing and experimenting with things, you must practice/only use images from these sources.