Reflection 1 Due November 6 (Change This Name!)
Social studies
Miss Corsi
- i have used google and search engines through the school to do research on many projects and i use teams to check for due dates and assignments.
- i have used Microsoft office home through terry fox’s website to write documents and create power points.
- i have sent links from my projects, like word documents, power points etc. to Miss Corsi.
- i print word documents, thesis’s, and pictures for all my projects.
- in class we have used Qr codes to access websites for our lessons.
- everything that i have done in Microsoft office home saves to my one drive and is stored for as long as i want.
- i use my IMac at home and several computers at the school to do work and homework, i use my phone to check teams for assignments.
- i have pasted pictures into some of my word documents for projects.
1. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful: I find Microsoft office really helpful and easy to access. it has every thing u need and saves everything to your one drive so u can access it on any computer.
2. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for: I hope that we continue to use teams because i liked using it for many reasons such assignment instructions and due dates. Its also a good tool to use to keep track of work etc.