All about me

all about me

 Meaningful Quote:

  “to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity to pursue and achieve your dreams”  -Hillary Clinton

I chose this quote because I feel it is quite important to know you are worth it and that you can do anything you put your mind to, I also think you should never doubt your capability this might be easy to say but even I struggle with that so it really resonates with me.

Favourite Video:

I chose this video because every time I watch it I barrel out laughing and I just find her strange noises are so amusing.


Inspiring Picture:

I chose this picture because it tells me what true friendship is. it might just be animated but it has a deeper meaning than just being on a team but having a friendship that makes their teamwork better and it just inspires me to have a friendship like that with someone.


Create a Hyperlink:

the reasoning behind this choice is because if people truly need help but have no trusted adult they can talk to there are resources that could help and I find that extremely important.


Self Assessment: