About Me


1) Meaningful Quote:

        ”If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl, but by all means, keep moving. Martin Luther King Jr.”

  • I chose this quote because I like the concept. For me the concept is to always work for your goals, and to never give up. Its a reminder that I should always strive to achieve my goals.  Sometimes life get hard and usually when it does I shut down and stop working. But with this quote I can persevere and work hard to achieve my goals.

2) Embedded Video:

This is the video I chose. I chose this video because it is a great message. The message for me is that even if I fail at something, life still goes on. It helps me remind myself that even if I fail at something, life holds way more opportunities that I can try and hopefully succeed at.

3) Inspiring Picture:

  • This is a picture of Romania. It may seem weird that my inspiring picture is a place but Romania is my dream place to visit. The reason this is my inspiring picture is because it is a reminder to me that I should always fight for my dreams.

4) Hyperlink 

  • Apple Music
  • I chose to do my link to apple music. I chose this because I use apple music to listen to my music. Listening to my playlist helps me to keep focus and do my work while keeping me calm.

5) Self Assessment: