1. What is disinformation (Fake News)?
Disinformation or fake news is false information that is intended to mislead or deceive people. It is also the deliberate creation or sharing of such information.
2. How does disinformation impact a community?
Disinformation impacts the community by spreading fear and mistrust in the government and the media. Disinformation can also cause arguments since one side of the argument thinks they are correct while the other side is actually correct.
3. Give an example/share an experience of how disinformation impacted you or a community.
Disinformation has impacted the United States when former President Donald Trump made comments about the coronavirus and how it was not a big deal and how he thinks the Virus originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Many of the country’s citizens believed these theories because he was a leader in a position of power. This led to Covid outbreaks and anti-Asian hate crimes.
4. How would you help your fellow classmates identify and stop the spread of disinformation?
My classmates and I can identify and stop the spread of disinformation by seeing if the post or article creates a reaction in myself or my peers. Before you start sharing and spreading this “life-changing” news you should identify a few things. The first thing you should do is check if the source you got your information from is reliable and credible, if the source you read is the only source with the information it is more than likely false. You could also compare sources to see if they have similar information and if they do it is most likely true.