Solar Max

1. A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth that either fully or partially blocks the Sun’s light in some areas.

Solar Eclipse 2017 Diagram


2. Describe the path of the solar eclipse – 04-08-2024

2024 Total Eclipse: Where & When - NASA Science

3. Identify & describe the animal you will be observing during the solar eclipse

The animal I’m studying is the Bonobo. The Bonobo is a of the lower primate species and they are known for there intimate behavior when faced with anxiety or when frieghtned.

4. Record your baseline observational data while at the Zoo on April 7th

When I observed the Bonobos for the most part they were in groups of 2 (total 4) and they would just eat out of there pick boards or just lay around in the sun occasionally getting water from the stream.

5. Record your predictions as to how the animals behavior will change

I predicted that the Bonobo’s would react most before and after the eclipse as they would face anxiety due to the sudden change of environment.

6. Record your observations (pictures & videos) during the event at the Zoo on April 8th

7. Summarize your results. What did you observe & learn? What are your conclusions?

During the observation my hypothesis was that the bonobos would have sex to relieve stress during the solar eclipse, but I was wrong. Instead, they became anxious and scared. I learned that the Bonobos experience more fear than stress or anxiety which resulted in quick movement  during the eclipse. In conclusion, bonobo’s had more fear than anxiety or stress during the eclipse.