English 9


Traveled to Balcerra Regional Park (təmtəmíxʷtən)

There we went and caught some crabs, sadly none of the male crabs where large enough to take and we could’nt take the females because they could have eggs. The way to tell the male and female dungeness crabs apart is the stomach, the females have a larger partern while the males have a smaller pattern. We also saw starfish, and went on a nature walk, even if it wasn’t much of a nature walk and we just wen’t a few feet into the trail. I would’ve taken photos but I don’t have a phone. After that we designed a nature journal entry for some stuff we saw. This is mine-

I chose to document the dungeness crab.

The entry states important info like the date, location, tempurature and weather, while mainly doucumenting the crab. It also has some diagrams like the differebt crab stomachs, full crab, and claw. The entry reads-

Belcarra is a park connected to water containing rocky beaches and forest trails. It is inhabited by species like Dungeness crab and Purple starfish as well as many others. The Dungeness carb (Metacarcinus Magister) is a North American species of crab. It is important to the sea food industry and is found around Alaska to California. The crab usually lives in bays and grows to about six too seven inches. They have four armored legs as well as two claws and a hard shell.