The Four Pillars of Terry Fox Secondary School
Kindness / Compassion
Kindness is helping others without them asking, saying hello or goodmorning to a neighbor, or even thanking someone whose helping you with something, even if its quite small a task.
Inegrity is being honest towards your classmates, having good morals, helping people stay kind, or having a welcoming feel.
Leadership is helping others move forward to a better future, better goals, or better life, helping all around you and showing your peers the path to sucess while also guiding them along that path.
Integrity is probably the most important pillar to me, its the art of showing honesty, and keeping good morals. It shows someone that your truely willing to be honest to them while also keeping morals intact and making yourself a better person overall.
Nelson Mandela
I chose Nelson Mandela to represent integrity because when he began his work against The Apartheid (Racial Segregation of South Africa under the white government) he showed integerity. He was the son of a local cheif and could of enjoyed working in civil services with security and protection. Instead he became risaked all of his saftey and became an attorney to represent those who went against The Apartheid and all of its crimes. This even ended giving him a prison sentance of 27 yeears for treason, later he became the president of South Africa.
I chose Britiannica becuause it has lots of information and biography’s on historical figures and famous people, history has always been a subject that fascinates me and i love learning about it.
I show integrity in my everyday live by having honest conversations with family and friends sometimes, and telling them something that may be very important to know, even if it majorly affects views or ideas.