Science 9

What We do In Class

We have done a lot of work in Ms. Lauders class. We were working on a Ecology unit. We studied endangered species, and how to save them. We then created a law, to help protect these animals even more.

The White-Rumped Vulture

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Here is a link to the presentation: White-rumped Vulture.pptx

Hint: If you click on Notes at the bottom of the page, then you can see my information.

My Presentation

My presentation was on the White-Rumped Vulture, a critically endangered species. I spent many hours researching it’s habitat, why it’s endangered, and mitigation measures. I had to find information, then create a law that could protect these vultures. The presentation part was the easiest, as we already put all the information down. This assignment was really fun and interesting, as we get to study a animal we choose.


I think I could do better in a few things. I think looking over the criteria would benefit me so I know what to put down. I think also finishing my work earlier would help me so I could have more time to practice presenting. Overall I think I did very well.