My Penguin Project
For my final ecology project, I did it on the African penguin. This is an endangered species found on the southern most coasts of Africa, the zones of it’s habitation are highlighted on the map to the right.
For the power point all the information is in the notes, to access them click on the full screen button, then unfold them using the notes button. For this project we were not allowed to have full sentences on the slides so that is why its in the notes section. To improve I do think in the future I will add move filler to the slides, they look so empty, even though the project was focused on other skills such as voice projection and your ability to convey information with out the help of text. this was a good and fun challenge, there are few thing more annoying then a slide that is just a block of text, with no images or graphs anywhere. though the complete opposite can have the same effect like my second slide with no text other then the title, which i now regret not putting any thing on it. there are many groups devoted to saving this specie as on the current track they will be extinct by 2035. below are links to two groups devoted to saving them.