the meaningful quote i chose is: “what mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation”. by Glenn close. i picked that quote because i believe that the stigma around mental health i toxic and there needs to be more conversations about it.
i picked this picture because i have two black and white cats at home. their names are ollie and basil.
i picked this Youtube video because its by Harry styles is one of my favorite music artist, and it’s one of my favourite songs by him
I picked the picture above because it’s of a person painting. Painting is one of my hobbies and I have fallen out of it and recently I’ve been wanting to get back into it so looking at this picture inspires me to start painting again.
I picked this website because one of my favourite pastimes is watching movies. This website allows me to look at movies and the reviews at them and decide which one I want to watch next it also gives me suggestions on the movies that I’m interested in.