About Me
Hello! My name is Emma Toth. I am 14 years old. My family and I had moved to Canada a couple of years ago from Hungary. I like playing sports and listening to music. My favourite show is Stranger things, and my favourite song is currently Love You Twice by HUH YUNJIN. I would describe myself as a very clumsy, but friendly person even though sometimes I might not look friendly or a person that is easy to talk to.
What is important to you?
Firstly, to me my family and friends are the most important people in this world since they are always there for me, make me laugh and encourage me to do my best. Secondly, having good teachers is also very important to me since I believe that to pass a class and do well, you need to have a good teacher who would help you and encourage you to do your best. Lastly, music is also imperative since I can’t go more than 20 minutes not listening to music.
What inspires you?
People who have experienced similar situations related to what I have been through, including moving to Canada from a different country and not knowing the language. These people can provide valuable insights and personal experiences. They can help me understand how to navigate through the challenges I am facing in a new environment and provide me with an understanding of what to expect.
What does STEAM mean to you?
STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics ) is a place where you can construct fun projects individually or in groups using the information you learned in different classes. STEAM classes are also more intense than other classes. STEAM challenges you to use your critical and creative thinking, be curious, and learn from your mistakes.
Why did you join STEAM?
Honestly, I wasn’t even thinking of joining STEAM, I was planning on joining normal classes and doing normal school work. When the Terry Fox staff came to my school to talk about selecting our courses, they mentioned the STEAM program which caught my attention. It sounded like a challenge, that I willingly accepted.
“When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. – Eleanor Roosevelt
This quote resonates with me because I can relate to it. One of my favourite things to do is to bring happiness or laughter to people because seeing them smile brings me a lot of joy. To encourage those around me to also look on the bright side of things, I try to be a positive influence. It is often said that if you say that bad things will happen or something is horrible, then it will since you aren’t looking at the bright side of the situation.
This video is a music video of my favourite current song. I chose this song because it brings me comfort and makes me happy. The animation in the music video is delightful. The lyrics of this song are also uplifting and remind me of the importance of being positive and believing in yourself. I find myself singing along to it every time I hear it even though I am a bad singer.
My inspiration for this picture comes from the fact that it motivates me to reach these grades in the future. Due to this, I am motivated enough to be organized and to work hard. As a result, I am able to remain focused on my studies. I also like to think of this picture as a goal that I am trying to achieve.
This hyperlink will lead you to a website called tighar.org. It has research about the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. I chose this because I am very interested of this topic, that is why it is important to me. Tigar.org has a wealth of resources about her disappearance, including interviews, archival documents, and artifacts from the event. Additionally, the website has a comprehensive timeline of events.