STEAM Boat Races
The STEAM boat races this year was very fun. We had to make boats out of cardboard and race them across the swimming pool at Hyde Creek.
The building process:
To build our boat we used almost all of our given cardboard. We started by using one piece for the bottom and folding up small flaps on all sides, and then using the second piece we made the walls taller and added support to the bottom of our boat.
The race:
Unfortunately for our group, the race did not go very well. We got second last in our race, and I was only able to stay afloat for about minute after the race. This was mostly due to me being the one in the boat. As much as I hate to say it, I am nowhere close to being the lightest in our group. I was the one who went in the boat because my other group members didn’t want to get wet, and one of them forgot their bathing suit.
What Could Have Been Improved:
The biggest thing we could have improved on our boat was the strength. We made such a big boat that a couple seconds after I got in it started to fold. Another thing we could have improved was the water proofing. The water seeped through the cardboard pretty fast causing it to sink fast after finishing the race.