Cricut Assignment
Our first big assignment in Drafting or ADST was the Cricut assignment. There were 4 parts to this assignment. Part 1 was printing out our first and last name. Part 2 was printing out a symbol we make of our choice. Part 3 was printing out a turtle, and part 4 was printing out our Science safety rule. For Part 1, I printed out my first and last name (Ibrahim Jaleel). For Part 2, for the symbol, I printed out the symbol of Islam, my religion. For Part 3, I printed out the photo of a turtle I found on the internet. And for Part 4, I printed out my Science Safety Rule which was not to put chemicals near electricity, although it didn’t come out very well, it came out all merged together in one circle.
3D Printed Balloon Car
For our second assignment after the Cricut assignment, we had the balloon car assignment. For this assignment, we had to create a design of a balloon car on TinkerCad and later 3D print it. For the first part, I followed the tutorial on TinkerCad to make the balloon car, then I 3D printed. My first balloon car is the photo above. After 3D printing, I glued the parts together, then tested it. Unfortunately, in all 4 attempts, it didn’t move though.
For the second part, we needed to get a partner and make another balloon car design, but this time make some adjustments to help it move. My partner and I’s adjustment was lowering the wheels, so their wouldn’t be too much traction with the body of the car. After designing, we 3D printed it, glued the parts together and then tested it. We got 1 cm in our 2nd and 4th attempts, while it didn’t move in our 1st and 3rd attempts. In the end, we got an average of 0.5 cm.
Thaumatrope Assignment
For our next assignment, we had to make a thaumatrope. A thaumatrope is basically when you have 2 pictures on each side of a disc and you flip them quickly to reveal a cartoon in action. My thaumatrope idea was to put a soccer ball on one side and a soccer net on the other to make it look like that a ball was shot into the net. I searched up a photo of a ball and a net and traced them on the Affinity Designer app. I then laser cut them using the laser cutting machine and glued the two sides together to put the 2 designs in the one disc. I also glued a stick to help ease rotating it on my hand to see the thaumatrope in action.