Hyde Creek Boat Racing




In this event, We had to go to Hyde Creek pool, and make boats out of cardboard. This challenge was a hard task, as the supports that we thought was going to hold out, ripped apart immediately. This event was much enjoyable, as we had to work as a team, and communicate with each other to create our boat. Our team had a lot of good synergy, as two people worked on supports, and the rest worked on resources and designs. My teammates were Jayson, Gerald, and Ethan. A problem we faced was not at the end, but when we started. When the timer started, we had trouble taking responsibilities in our roles, and some of us were doing more or less. But later on everything just clicked in. We stared fitting into our respective roles. I think in the end, everyone did an equal amount of work. I loved working on the boats, and we worked very well and productive. But when we tested the boat, it folded in half, but it still floated to the end line.